Statesville Haunted Prison and City of the Dead 2019


Statesville Haunted Prison and City of the Dead
Crest Hill, IL
Reviewed on: Friday, October 11, 2019

There are few attractions in the Chicagoland area that have existed for as long as Statesville Haunted Prison. At 21 years old, ‘Statesville has been featured on various TV shows, “top/best” lists, and mainstream news articles. It has become a true staple of our region, the Midwest, and a name that has garnished recognition throughout the nation. One might even call Statesville the “father” of the current field of haunted attractions.

Year after year, this attraction continues to keep its audiences’ attention, by continuously changing, growing, and mesmerizing patrons with their superb, intense, and flawless show.  The creative team behind this attraction doesn’t just start their re-imagining a month or two before October comes around, they start as soon as the season ends!  Tirelessly working in the offseason to tear down, redesign, and rebuild, making sure that every nail, screw and prop is set in the perfect place to bring the best scares they can.  Consistently donned as a top attraction, not only with us at Haunted House Chicago, but across the country, Statesville Haunted Prison and City of the Dead have become iconic staples within the haunt industry and the well-known machine that it is today.

With all those accolades, one might also assume that the crew here doesn’t need to work thinking they can “coast,” and just “phone it in.” After our visit, we can honestly say that maybe someone should have told the kids working that evening? What we saw was a cast of characters that were overfilling with energy, bouncing off the walls (literally and figuratively), and chewing their own arms off just for a chance to engage patrons!

From the moment we walked onto the property, there was a buzz on the grounds. Like the feeling you get just before the headliner of a concert comes out, true and utter anticipation was surging. The patrons filled the tents, and the wait actors and actresses were hungry and eager, ready for every opportunity. One actress in particular, Sharky, was relentless! Whether it be “cutting” you with her mini chainsaw or tying your shoelaces together, she took every opportunity to take those eagerly awaiting their doom our of their comfort zones. And so with the fog surrounding, and the sounds of gunfire, metal music, and screams in the air, patrons and actors engaged in a dance as they waited their turn to enter the machine.

Corralled into the dog cage outside as numerous prisoners roamed about, you feel as if you truly are the “fresh meat” or “new blood”, and everyone inside is eagerly awaiting your screams.  Once you enter the gates of Statesville, you meet the Warden, set with one of the most legendary openings, and from there your journey to meet the insane within begins.

As you weave in and out of the halls and cells of Statesville, every room you enter seems to have actors and actresses lurking within each nook and cranny.  These actors within the walls are not only patient and precise, but they are relentless in their efforts.  From the moment you enter the room, even once you are two rooms passed, they are there, they are going, and they never stop.  The drive and determination shown from each and every individual is indescribable and completely engulfs you into the madness of the beast.

Making our way deeper into the depths of the prison, we encountered the electrical room, showers, sisters’ room, maniac ward, padded cell, and even into the sewer with a friendly encounter with a beast lurking below. (AND a quick special mention to the rats and sewers!). If all of the above didn’t get you yet, the visit with the clown doctor himself and the insane amount of clown projects he created certainly will! With clowns bouncing off the walls and hanging from the rafters above, if you are fearful of clowns, then we would recommend NOT getting locked in this room! Continuously taking you our of your comfort zone with tight twists and turns, and even a little ducking down low, they truly want to shake your balance and stability. Add in a strobe light and this is one maniacal room to see!

With every prisoner we encountered, it was a full assault on our senses.  From lurking deep within the shadows, to hanging from the ceiling and coming out of the walls, Statesville’s crew brought the thrills and chills.

After escaping the prisoners within the walls of Statesville, we continued our journey to City of the Dead.  For those unaware, you get the added bonus of a 2nd attraction here, which just like its big brother, is always evolving.  City of the Dead is a lot different than Statesville, not only do they incorporate live animals (critters, spiders and LOTS of snakes – don’t believe us, you’ll see them for yourself quickly), but the actors housed within are even speaking their own language!

City of the Dead takes us to the burial pit of the souls that were lost within the walls of Statesville. While this attraction may not seem as chaotic as the main attraction, don’t be fooled as this attraction fully submerges you and transports you to a world where you are engulfed within the caves of the dearly departed.

Amidst all the creatures lurking in the dark, City of the Dead also offers patrons a small dose of some witty sense of humor (make sure to watch the waiting cue line videos, you’ll see what we mean!), not to mention the entertainingly funny rules room actors and actresses.  The combination of styles presented in both City of the Dead and Statesville Haunted Prison combine together to make a night full of thrills, chills, screams, entertainment, and overall fun!

The Bottom Line: The cast and crew here show no signs of slowing down. In fact, we could say this is actually one of the best shows we have experienced! Actors are relentless, off-the-wall, and so hungry we are certain they are starving! This has become a timeless attraction that continues to get bigger, darker, and stronger. Face your fears and feed the beast!

But, don’t just take our word for it, check out these images from our visit:


– Official Haunted House Chicago Review Team Review