Evil Intentions Haunted House

Elgin, IL
Reviewed on: Sunday, October 5, 2014


Let’s just get something out of the way. Location is everything in the haunted house world. You can have the best attraction with the best actors and an unlimited amount of money. But, if it is set-up in an old retail store, the “maternity sign” may not add as much environmental value as you had hoped.

Enter: The Evil Intentions Crew. To make sure they stood out, they found themselves a 100+ year-old decrepit building that on its own would foster dreams of shadows dancing in the corners of your mind. But, context, shall we say, is the icing on the cake. See, this building just happened to have a previous life, as a casket factory.

Go ahead, let that set in.

Exactly. This isn’t “Let’s go to the haunted house where something fake happened.” This is, “Let’s go to the haunted house that actually has a connection to the afterlife.”

Kind of eerie, right?

There aren’t too many other setups that can top this one. So, going into the mouth of madness, we knew exactly what we were in for. Even with experiencing this same attraction over the past few years, it still gave us goose bumps. Seriously. It is an old place, and the cold air ripped right through us. It isn’t fancy, and it isn’t pretty. It is dark, border-line sinister, and something just isn’t right.

Which, is exactly what makes it so perfect.

Outfitting these dark and dank concrete halls with a cast of aggressive, motivated, hungry, and flexible characters, Evil Intentions presented what could be one of the creepiest and scariest experiences of our time doing this job. Everything they did was pure magic, and kept us on our toes as we traversed through dimly lit rooms, slow-strobed halls, and mazes made of coffins. Even the music (or sometimes silence) set-up scares in cinematic fashion.

The Bottom Line: For the first time since we have had the honor to visit this attraction, we are proud to declare them one of the first “must-sees” of 2014. Thanks to Horsey, Fat Freddy, the doll, and friends, there is definitely no way any of us are sleeping tonight.
2014 Scores:
Entertainment: 18.5 out of 20
Scare Factor & Fright: 10 out of 10
Acting: 8 out of 10
Sets & Room Detail: 8 out of 10
Costumes: 5 out of 5
Make Up: 4 out of 5
Sound: 5 out of 5
Lights: 5 out of 5
Props & Special Effects: 8.5 out of 10
Originality & Story Concept: 10 out of 10
Management & Owner Presentation: 5 out of 5
Website: 5 out of 5

Total: 92 points out of 100 points possible
– Official Haunted House Chicago Review Team Review