Days of the Living Dead #DOTLD Season 2017, Episode 7 | Haunt Season II: Opening Night
It's opening night for HellsGate Haunted House's second season - what could go possibly wrong? A hobbled John, murderbugs and ridiculously hot temperatures notwithstanding, the show must go on!

Days of the Living Dead #DOTLD Season 2017, Episode 6: October’s Children
It's not the world's weirdest game of charades, it's audition weekend at HellsGate Haunted House! Zombie Army Productions' haunted houses live and die by the quality of their actors; watch as John and the ZAP Crew work with new recruits and veterans alike to delve deep within themselves to pull out concepts and characters that will make each actor's performance unique & memorable for the season! Watch more episodes at http://www.daysofthelivingdead.com. HEY! NEW! Days of the Living Dead t-shirts, hoodies and more are now available at http://zombiearmystore.com/collections/1591121-days-of-the-living-dead!

HellsGate’s Haunted House Presents The Haunted House Fan Pass
HellsGate Haunted House loves all haunted houses and, in particular, the wonderful people that go to them like yourself! So much so that they're willing to give you $12 OFF a VIP ticket if you bring your ticket stub from any OTHER haunted house to the box office at HellsGate! They call it the Haunted House Fan Pass - visit http://www.hauntedhousefanpass.com for full details on the offer, and HellsGate.com for info about the attraction.

Days of the Living Dead #DOTLD Season 2017 Episode 03: Housebound: Building HellsGate
"The problem with big, ambitious designs is that they cost a LOT of money..." When it comes to building a quality haunted attraction, the only thing scarier than John's imagination may be the Zombie Army's limited time, money and resources. But hey, that's never stopped them before. Watch as Kyle and the crew figure out how to turn high concept into creepy reality, beware of the ZomBEE Army and sing along with Johanna: "Bricks and bricks and bricks and bricks"! Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1nb9ft8 Find Us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daysofthelivingdead Follow Us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/dayslivingdead Follow Us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/daysofthelivingdead Catch up on...
Days of the Living Dead #DOTLD Season 2017, Episode 1: HellsGate Rising
In 2015, Zombie Army Productions built a brand new haunted house in Chicago... and then didn't get to open it. In 2016, after another year of building and more setbacks than anybody could've guessed (affectionately referred to as The Death March), HellsGate opened to unprecedented crowds, receiving wildly enthusiastic responses from critics and customers alike. In 2017, now with HellsGate firmly established, the Army has turned its attention to finessing and augmenting HellsGate Haunted House. Watch as John and the crew give you a sneak peak at some of the new thrills, chills and terrors awaiting you in the woods...

Haunted Housewarming | Days of the Living Dead Season 7 Episode 9
It's opening night at HellsGate Haunted House and the cast and crew are both excited and terrified to present their 2-year labor of love to the public for the first time. As it turns out, they get to present it to a LOT of the public, as attendance FAR exceeds expectation, with many people driving for hours from out of state to be among the very first to experience HellsGate. It's an unbelievable, magical, educational, chaotic and epic night for the Zombie Army - watch and experience it with them! As Anthony says: "We can be fun and spooky here!"