2024 HHC Visitation Schedule
Here is the official 2024 Haunted House Chicago media visitation schedule. Find us at all of the great haunted attractions in the Chicagoland area, get some free stuff, pose in some pictures, and maybe even win some contests! Make sure to tag us on social media and win tickets to attractions, Midwest Haunters Convention, HHC swag, and much more! For the most updated content, pictures, and reels, please subscribe to our socials: Facebook / Instagram / Facebook **Update 11/5/2024: The fun isn't over yet! The HHC Team is STILL working! Watch this page and our socials as we catch-up on...

Valentine’s Haunts 2024
The love of fright fills the air! As ice covers our land, Cupid’s zombie cousin flutters from its crypt once again for another holiday season of love and screams. Get ready to shuffle; here’s a listing of all the attractions within 100-miles of Chicago that are producing special Valentine’s Day haunting experiences. Grab that special someone and get ready to share the screams! (Listed in alphabetical order) 13th Floor Chicago Haunted House presents: “Love Bites: A Valentine’s Haunted House” 5050 River Road Schiller Park, IL 60176 Friday, February 16th, Saturday, February 17th, and Sunday, February 18th https://www.13thfloorchicago.com/ Basement of the...

Join Chicagoland Haunt Lovers For A Charity Event For Jim Warfield/Raven’s Grin Inn On December 2, 2023
Chicagoland Haunted Attraction Fans, We hope you had a great Halloween season, and a fantastic Thanksgiving! As you may have seen, we are part of a group that is organizing a charity event to benefit and celebrate Jim Warfield and the Raven's Grin Inn. Jim is not only the namesake for HauntedHouseChicago.com's annual acting award, but also a staple in our community and the national haunt scene since 1987. As you may have heard, Jim has had some complicated health issues which have prevented him from operating his attraction in his specific style. After long conversations with his wife, Jessica, and the...

Haunted Holidays 2023
While Halloween may live 365-days a year in our hearts and heads, most muggles are starting to prepare for holiday celebrations. Luckily, you don’t have to wait until next Halloween to get your scream on! Whether you look for St. Nick or Krampus this season, we are here to help shed some darkness on the millions of imported twinkle lights. Here’s a listing of all the attractions within 100-miles of Chicago that are producing special holiday haunting experiences. So, grab the egg nog, complete another viewing of Christmas Vacation, and get the sleigh ready for some holiday haunted houses! This...

Encore Weekend 2023
“Darkness falls across the land / The midnight hour is close at hand / Creatures crawl in search of blood / To terrorize y’all’s neighborhood” -Michael Jackson, "Thriller" "Can I get an encore, do you want more?" -Jay Z, "Encore" We are sure you noticed, but Mariah Carey has already taken over the radio and ads on TV. While our beloved Halloween season is about out of time, we have one last chance to enjoy all that we love about our holiday. We call it, “Encore Weekend.” Inspired by the immortal, infamous words of Clark W. Griswold, “Where do you think...

2023 Haunted Attraction of the Year
Each year, Haunted House Chicago reviews as many haunted attractions within 100 miles of Chicago as possible. (Over 45 this season!) We then award the best overall haunted attraction from that season. As our 24th reviewing season comes to a close, Haunted House Chicago would like to formally congratulate the 2023 Haunted Attraction of the Year: Abandoned Haunted House Complex Mt. Pleasant, Wisconsin https://abandonedhauntedhouse.com/ Congratulations on an outstanding season! #SpreadTheScream #Abandoned #AHHC #HauntedHouseChicago #HHC #SupportYourLocalHauntedHouse #Halloweek #HellWeek #Halloween #Top13