2024 Haunted Attraction of the Year
Each year, Haunted House Chicago reviews as many haunted attractions within 100 miles of Chicago as possible. (48 this season!) We then award the best overall haunted attraction from that season. As our 25th reviewing season comes to a close, Haunted House Chicago would like to formally congratulate the 2024 Haunted Attraction of the Year: HellsGate Haunted House Lockport, Illinois https://www.hellsgate.com/ Congratulations on an outstanding season! #SpreadTheScream #HellsGate #HG #HauntedHouseChicago #HHC #SupportYourLocalHauntedHouse #Halloweek #HellWeek #Halloween #Top13

Haunted House Chicago’s 2024 Top 13
Each year, Haunted House Chicago reviews as many haunted attractions, events, and happenings within 100 miles of Chicago as possible. (48 this season!) We then assemble a list of the best haunted attractions from that season. For more details on this, please click here: https://www.hauntedhousechicago.com/reviews-awards/top-13-haunts/ As this Halloween night comes to a close, we find ourselves at the apex of yet another haunting season. But, before we bid farewell to another memorable October, it is finally time to present the 2024 Official Haunted House Chicago Top 13. After traversing well over 3,000 miles this season, here is our list of the...

2024 Jim Warfield Acting Award
Each year, Haunted House Chicago reviews as many haunted attractions within 100 miles of Chicago as possible. (48 this season!) We then identify and award the the top actor(s)/actress(es) from that season who provided extraordinary performances. The award is named after Jim Warfield of Raven’s Grin Inn. For more details on this award please click here: https://www.hauntedhousechicago.com/reviews-awards/warfieldaward/ Haunted House Chicago would like to formally congratulate the recipient of the 2024 Jim Warfield Acting Award: Tim Raleigh as “Stitch” from Massacre Haunted House in Montgomery, Illinois https://fearthemassacre.com/ Congratulations on an outstanding season! Stay tuned to more award announcements throughout Halloween! #SpreadTheScream #Massacre...

2024 New Haunted Attraction of the Year
Each year, Haunted House Chicago reviews as many haunted attractions and events within 100 miles of Chicago as possible. (48 this season!) We then award the best new haunted attraction from that season. For more details on this award, please click here: http://www.hauntedhousechicago.com/reviews-awards/bestnewhaunt/ Haunted House Chicago would like to formally congratulate the 2024 New Haunted Attraction of the Year: 5 Points Haunted House West Chicago, Illinois https://www.5pointshaunt.com/ Congratulations on an outstanding first season! Stay tuned for more award announcements throughout Halloween! #SpreadTheScream #5Points #5PointsHauntedHouse #BrickThunder #HauntedHouseChicago #HHC #SupportYourLocalHauntedHouse #Halloweek #HellWeek #Halloween

Happy Halloween 2024!
OUR day is finally here! It is Thursday, October 31, 2024, and that means it is HALLOWEEN! From all of us at Haunted House Chicago, to all of you and yours, we wish you a very safe, haunted, and happy Halloween! MANY Haunted Attractions are open tonight for some of their final screams of the season, so make sure you go and celebrate! For their final evening, make sure to check out an amazing yard display or home haunt near you courtesy of Chicago Haunt Builders: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1hV2qBjkCo_vkOGvXJ-sc2NdrXrzYtJ8&ll=42.07641270000002%2C-88.36372109999999&z=18. Rumor has it, MANY of them are stacked in the trick or treating...

Can you say party time?
Think you have any extra time to spare, or looking for some after haunting fun? 115 Bourbon Street in Merrionette Park, Illinois, will be hosting TWO Halloween Parties this year, one for kids and one for adults! Sunday, October 20th - Kids of ALL ages are welcome to attend!! So put on your costume and celebrate with us as we dance away to today's favorite kids' songs, play fun games, and enter our costume contest! Sponsored by US, Haunted House Chicago and Midnight Terror Haunted House in Oak Lawn, Illinois. More information on tickets can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2024-kids-halloween-party-at-115-bourbon-street-tickets-993825357397?aff=oddtdtcreator Saturday,...