6 Days Left!
This season is just flying by! Don't miss out on your chance to visit all of the amazing haunted attractions within 100 miles of Chicago. Having trouble choosing? Check out the constantly updating database of 2019 reviews, as well as the full archive of 2018 reviews, in case we haven't visited the haunt yet!
Last Weekend!
This is the last weekend before Halloween! Make sure you don't miss out on all your favorite attractions. Not sure where to go? Check out the Top 13 Haunted Attractions from last season to help you decide! Where do you want to scream tonight?
Catacombs Ticket Giveaway
Thanks to our friends at The Catacombs of St. Pascal Haunted House in Chicago, IL, we are pleased to offer you an opportunity to win some FREE admission tickets and shirts to their attraction! Here's how to win: #1: Go to the HauntedHouseChicago.com OR Haunted House Chicago Review Team Facebook pages #2: Find the Catacombs Ticket Giveaway post/thred #3: Post a comment or meme about what your love about haunted houses! Rules: -One winner will be chosen from both the HauntedHouseChicago.com and Haunted House Chicago Review Team Facebook pages -Each winner will receive (2) tickets, t-shirts, as well as...
Only Two Weekends Remain!
Time is running out! Many of your favorite haunted attractions are only open for TWO MORE WEEKENDS! Avoid regret and make your plans now! AND if you find the Haunted House Chicago Team, you can get FREE T-shirts, pins, stickers, patches, and more! Find us here. Scream safely!
All Haunts Open This Weekend!
Hello Haunt Fans! Welcome to the second weekend of October which means that unless impacted by weather, all haunted attraction are officially OPEN! The Haunted House Chicago Team will be out-and-about this weekend visiting many of the top attractions in the area, and hosting the after-parties for the Lost Souls Haunted Bus Tour! Make sure to stop by, and get some free stuff! Click here to find us. Stay dry and scream safely!