Happy Halloween 2024!

OUR day is finally here! It is Thursday, October 31, 2024, and that means it is HALLOWEEN!
From all of us at Haunted House Chicago, to all of you and yours, we wish you a very safe, haunted, and happy Halloween! MANY Haunted Attractions are open tonight for some of their final screams of the season, so make sure you go and celebrate!
For their final evening, make sure to check out an amazing yard display or home haunt near you courtesy of Chicago Haunt Builders: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1hV2qBjkCo_vkOGvXJ-sc2NdrXrzYtJ8&ll=42.07641270000002%2C-88.36372109999999&z=18. Rumor has it, MANY of them are stacked in the trick or treating category!
Today is also very special, because we announce all of the annual award selections!
- The Haunted House Chicago Best New Haunted Attraction of the Year (Around Noon)
- The Haunted House Chicago Jim Warfield Acting Award (Around 3:00pm)
- The Haunted House Chicago Official Top 13 Haunted Attractions (Around Midnight)
- The Haunted House Chicago Haunted Attraction of the Year (Around Midnight)
Stay safe and spooky!
#SupportYourLocalHauntedHouse #SpreadTheScream #HauntedHouseChicago #WhereDoYouWantToScreamTonight #Halloween #HalloWeek #HellWeek