Haunters Against Hate Takeover Weekend

Our dear friends at Haunters Against Hate are once again taking over Niles Scream Park in Niles, Michigan! This amazing (now annual) event is scheduled for this weekend, Friday, September 13th, and Saturday, September 14th. Featuring some of the biggest names and scariest faces from all across the country, actors and actresses will join together to benefit Haunters Against Hate!
Your friends from Haunted House Chicago will be there on Saturday, September 14th, to join in the fun and fright, as well as kick off our 25th reviewing season!
For more information and to get tickets, please go to: https://haunted.org and https://www.hauntersagainsthate.com.
#HAH #HauntersAgainstHate #HauntTakeover #NilesScreamPark #HateIsTheScariestThingOfAll