2023 Jim Warfield Acting Award

Each year, Haunted House Chicago reviews as many haunted attractions within 100 miles of Chicago as possible. (Over 45 this season!) We then identify and award the the top actor(s)/actress(es) from that season who provided extraordinary performances. The award is named after Jim Warfield of Raven’s Grin Inn. For more details on this award please click here: https://www.hauntedhousechicago.com/reviews-awards/warfieldaward/
Haunted House Chicago would like to formally congratulate the recipients of the 2023 Jim Warfield Acting Award:
Riley Hawks as “Bibble the Trash Goblin”
from Realm of Terror Haunted House in Round Lake Beach, Illinois
Dalton Verway as “Emily”
From Abandoned Haunted House Complex in Mt. Pleasant, Wisconsin
Please note: This award is not available to managers or owners, which on occasion have given some of the most incredible performances. Although we can’t officially present this award, we would like to give an honorable mention to:
Andrew Martiangello as “Santa,” “Ozo,” and MANY others
From Midnight Terror Haunted House in Oak Lawn, Illinois
Congratulations on an outstanding season!
Stay tuned to more award announcements throughout Halloween!
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