Friday the 13th at Basement of the Dead

There are some battles that will never be settled: Hatfield or McCoy, Freddy or Jason, Disney or Universal, Addams or Munsters. Each year, we only get 1 or 2 opportunities to celebrate the 2nd most elusive holiday (next to leap day): Friday the 13th. As Camp Crystal Lake’s most famous resident awakens again to play hockey and wreck havoc on all mankind, this special day reminds us of another eternal debate. Is it: “ch ch ch, ah ah ah” OR “ki ki ki, ma ma ma”? Regardless, Jason will find us all and break through anything standing in his way!
Rumor has it that there will be a confirmed appearance from Mr. Voorhees and other infamous slashers like Pennywise, Freddy, and more TONIGHT, Friday, January 13, 2023, at Basement of the Dead Haunted House in Aurora, Illinois! For more information on how to join the party, please go to:
Stay safe, scream loudly, and survive!
#FridayThe13th #BasementoftheDead #DontListenToYourMother #UpsetGoalie