HauntedHouseChicago.com Now Accepting Featured Listing Requests for 2022!

We wanted to get the new website up and running before offering Featured Listings this year… and that took until now! Please note that we’ve enlarged your listing banner size to 250px x 150px – if you need help with your banner, don’t hesitate to reach out to Chad Savage at savage@sinister.me.

Featured Listings for 2022 on HauntedHouseChicago.com are now available and we’ve extended the Early Bird Price through August. If you would like to reserve a spot (or spots) please email advertise@hauntedhousechicago.com with the following information:

1. The name of the attraction(s) you’re reserving for
2. The email address to which the invoice should be sent

Invoices will be sent out in the order in which requests are received. For additional information and pricing, visit http://www.hauntedhousechicago.com/hauntowners/#advertise. As ever, in the interest of keeping things fair and equitable for all, this is a first-come, first-served proposition, and requesting a position does not secure it; the paid invoice does.

PLEASE NOTE: HHC will only be accepting online payments (no checks or mailed-in payments) via PayPal, debit and credit cards.

Questions? Email advertise@hauntedhousechicago.com

And, of course, make sure you’ve updated your attraction’s listing for 2022!