Hardcore Hearse Club at the Midwest Haunters Convention

Hardcore Hearse Club will be bringing several creepy funeral car examples from the past 50 years to display on the Midwest Haunters Convention’s show floor. You can expect to see different hearses from five decades with each one being rarer and spookier than the next. Highlights include:
- A mid 60’s Pontiac with stacked headlights and eerie underglow that has been featured in High Performance Pontiac magazine, hand-picked by Clint Eastwood for a film.
- A 90’s Cadillac with a hot rod engine and hood scoop driven by a grandma in her 70s.
- A classy black funeral coach with Elvira and other hauntedly fantastic images painted on the side.
There will also be several other hearses on display, Hardcore Hearse Club t-shirts and merch including funeral flags, Ouija items, dead bugs and bats, wet specimens, skulls, bones and oddities for the collector of the bizarre and macabre. For more information on Hardcore Hearse Club, check out their page and give them a like at https://www.facebook.com/HardcoreHearseClub – they will he holding a contest or two for prizes given out at the show!