Holiday Horror Photography & Networking Workshop at Midnight Terror Haunted House on Dec. 4

Midnight Terror Haunted House has been re-themed as a Holiday Horror Story, we have scheduled a private day just for photographers, cosplayers and models. There are several areas staged just for this shoot. From Christmas Main Street to the Winter Wonderland of Horror, Oversized Christmas Presents and also a Krampus,tons of room to shoot, two different indoor haunted houses, and dozens of different rooms.
There will be two makeup artists at the event – two of the best in the state – Bonnie Bones and Barbie Hood. They’ll be there for the cosplayers and models, so you can get the best Horror look you want! We’re only charging $5 for makeup – that’s an amazing deal. Basically the cost of materials!
If you have your own models, that’s fine. If you have your own small group, that’s great. There will be a limit of 25 photographers and 12 cosplayers / models.
The cost will be $30 per photographer and $10 per cosplayer/model. For that you’ll get unlimited access to both haunted houses, including the staged areas. If you bring your own model(s), feel free to wander and find places to shoot. It’s all indoors, so there’s heat and bathrooms. Two pro makeup artists will be there in the A.M.
You can show up any time and stay as long as you want. It’s from 11am until 4pm, so if you arrive at 11 you can stay until 4!
Makeup: 9:30-10, 10-10:30, 10:30-11 and 11-11:30. Only two spaces available for each time. Available online now for $5 at
Photographers and models: Show up anytime from 11am on. No time limit – stay the entire five hours, come and go as you please.
Parking: Plenty at the venue. Use the side door.Tickets are available online now at:
Sponsored by: Midnight Terror Haunted House, Chicago Bodypaint & Cosplay, I Love FX Makeup, Grim House Studio, Nick Bravo, Exotic Lenses, Paasche Airbrush Co, Haunted House Chicago, Dark Chicago and Rick’s Cosplay Meetups.
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