Statesville Haunted Prison Auditions & Interviews

If you are a creative type with a bent towards the dark and macabre WE WANT YOU. Here’s how to get involved:
- Download and fill out the Zombie Army Application, then email it to
- Add ZAP on Twitter and join the ZAP Facebook Fan Page, then keep an eye on our upcoming projects – we’ll post the positions we need to fill.
- Questions? Email
- Friday, September 18th, 2015: 4pm-8pm
- Saturday, September 19th, 2015: 12pm-4pm
Statesville Haunted Prison
17250 S. Weber Rd.
Crest Hill, IL 60441
Drive towards the back and park; walk in through the fire gate near the back building and head towards the door between the two haunted house facades.
All Positions are paid.
- ACTORS will audition.
Facebook Event Page:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What do I need to bring?
A: You will need job application information such as a SS#, previous employer information, and your availability during October. A water bottle is recommended.
Q. What do I need to wear?
A. We advise you where comfortable clothes. You will be moving around during the improv games.
Q. What will I need to do?
A. Actors will be called in to audition. Makeup artists, Costumers, and technicians will be interviewed. You will be asked to fill out an application and calendar of availability. Then you will have your picture taken so we can attach it to your application.
Q. Do I need to be experienced?
A. Experience is helpful but not required. We ask people to play some improv games and do some silly movements. A good attitude and willingness to try things is what is important.
Q. Do I need to be there the whole time?
A. No. You may show up at any point during the audition times. The auditions are first come, first serve. The length of time you will need to wait to be called in to audition depends on how many other people are there at the time you come.
Q. How old do I need to be?
A. You must be at least 14 to apply. Positions, pay rate, and internships will be determined at auditions.
Q. What is the time commitment if I am hired?
A. Call time is at 4:30pm every day we are open. You will fill out a calendar and then are contracted to work the days you selected. There are also scheduled training and safety days required. To see what days the haunted house will be open this season, visit its website.
Q. What if I can’t be there by 4:30pm?
A. Some exceptions including work and school are fine but will need to be noted in your contract.
Q. Do I need to attend the training days and acting classes?
A. Yes. The acting classes and rehearsal days prepare you to be ready on opening day. We also take safety seriously. Training days cover all the information you need to keep yourself, your roommates and the audience safe.
For any further questions contact Renee at