Open Casting for The Massacre Haunted House
Want to work for The Massacre Haunted House???
- “Voted Scariest Haunted House in Illinois 2012 &2013”
- Most “Liked” Haunted House in the Midwest
- “Top 13 Haunted House”-
Hiring in the following positions..
- Actors
- Makeup/Airbrush Artist
- Build Crew
- Promotion Team
- Security
Wednesday August 27th from 5pm-9pm
299 Montgomery Rd, Montgomery IL.
Applicants must be 17 years or older.
Experience is not needed, but it is highly preferred! Bring a government issued valid photo ID with you. Please fill out the online application by clicking the link below.
If you are a veteran from past years you will get first preference, but we have a lot of space for new talent since we are expanding the haunt to a NEW LOCATION!
Please RSVP if your coming!!
For any other questions,
Please contact
Got an announcement or casting call about your haunted attraction? Email it to!